Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Clove is a medicinal plant that is efficacious for Health

1. Overcoming Respiratory Infection
According to professor of Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City; Neil Schachter, MD: Cloves works as an expectorant. which can thin the mucus in the esophagus and throat. Tea contains clove can help overcome respiratory tract infections.

2. Treating toothache.
Part cloves can be used to treat toothache is the cloves. To utilization is, 5 to 10 grains of roasted cloves then pounded until smooth. Clove powder which is then sprinkled on the aching tooth.

3. Overcoming acne blemishes
According to Cornelia Zicu (staff Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spa), Euganol compounds (known as a natural antiseptic to balance the skin) which contained cloves can be used to prevent acne and acne scars remove stains.

4. Wash alternative Germs
Euganol or natural antiseptic compound in cloves beneficial to maintain the cleanliness of your goods. Clove oil can reduce bacteria or fungi present in the household furniture and prevent germs come back. The trick is to mix 1/2 spoon of oil of cloves with two glasses of water and then spray the vulnerable places exposed to bacteria or germs, such as the bathroom wall.

that some of the properties of medicinal plants cloves

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