Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Lime for Lowering Cholesterol


Lime is known to have a wide range of benefits for health. One is in relation to lower cholesterol or fat levels in the blood.Here are the tips:

     1.Choose fresh lime and rinse with clean
     2.Cut the lime into quarters, then thinly sliced
     3.Enter the last slice into the glass. Sliced ​​lime slices earlier is 

        complete with its skin
     4.Pour the hot water until it is full, then cover tightly 5.Wait about 30 minutes, then drink it down 
     6.Do it regularly, twice a day morning and evening 

 Based on the research, lime peel contains oils that are useful for kesahatan. In addition, lime is not cause pain in the stomach. 

traditional medicine other ways to lower cholesterol


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